Friday, November 11, 2005

Standing at the shore, counting drops of water. Or, the Neo-cons will destroy the world over black goo.

Where to begin with a blog like this? In a world so full of shady dealings--where everything that happens seems to have an official explanation and a different, possibly darker, motive--I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. It's like planting my feet in the wet sand at the edge of the sea with the task of counting every last drop of water.

The war in Iraq's a pretty easy one, but where does that start? With the President using the entire US war machine to put a hit out on one guy as revenge for the same guy putting a hit out on his daddy? Or with the man who put George up to it? That's right, Dick Cheney. I don't think George is smart or prescient enough to understand the possible outcomes but Dick is. George plays checkers. Dick's into chess.

So, my first conspiracy theory is this:

Dick Cheney started the Iraq War because he wanted to make money.

Discussion/analysis to come.

(Bit Later)

Right, so I've been thinking about why this is different from the myriad other conspiracy theory blogs. First and foremost, Rats in the Basement is not a blog for the conspiracy theory set. Those folks would probably not dig my musings as they will not go heavily into data or "proof" per se. Moreover, these entries will attempt to dissect the unconscious motivations of those discussed in the theory itself.

For example, I'm not sure I really believe that Dick Cheney started the war in Iraq because he wanted to make more money on oil...consciously. I think his true motivations--as is the case with many of us--are hidden deep under a mantel of publicly stated intentions. Hell some of those intentions are even pretty good. After all, how can you blame a person for wanting to protect his homeland from a perceived evil? You can't. Problem here is Dick's only telling himself that his main reason for going to war was the preventative tactic of taking the big booms to the terrorists on their own turf. His real reasons are bubbling away under that crust of publicly acceptable bullshit like the liquid remains of long, long dead organic material. I think that Dick couldn't have gone as far as he has if he were really as evil as his actions proclaim. If a person is going to function at as high as level as Cheney does, that person must hide their severe dysfunction from themselves. Jesus, even Hitler thought he was a good guy.

So, I don't think Cheney's hanging out in the bunker, rubbing his hands together like Mr. Burns and chortling to himself every time a bomb goes off and oil futures gush into the stratosphere. Instead, he's telling himself that it's all a shame and that he was sure, just sure those damnable Iraqis had WMD under some dune or another. Well, we're in it now and we've got to stay the course n' all, and buy bonds and whatever.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's probably no one on earth--maybe even within the short span of human history--who's ever consciously been the villain. There's a great scene toward the end of the movie Falling Down. After a day-long violent rampage against what he perceives as the evils of the world, the Protagonist is confronted by a cop. The cop (Robert Duvall. Love that guy) tells the protagonist that he's got to stop what he's doing, give up, etc. when this totally perplexed look crosses his, the protagonist's, face. He says, "I'm the bad guy?"

Cheney, if he had the capacity, would make that face. He has no idea in his conscious mind that the evil he does is evil. It's tearing him apart, though. How many heart attacks has this guy had? Look at him. He's in pain.

I don’t mean to come off as an apologist for Cheney. While I do believe that Hitler, Stalin, my grade school bully, Lisa Sambataro, were all much more psychologically warped than they were agents of Satan, I also hold that they are responsible. Cheney should be stopped. His other lil' war buddies should also be stopped. I just wish someone would get their asses in to a really good, really gentle shrink. It would save a few lives.

Note to Treasurey Department employee interns:
When I say "stopped" I do not mean by any physical or coercive--certainly not violent--means. I just want the neo-con War Machine to play a little nicer. 'Kay? Don't come to my house.

Have a conspiracy theory you'd like to see in Rats in the Basement? Send it to:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your ideas about the unconscious motives behind cheney's actions are interesting. what do you think your own unconscious motivations are?

12:41 PM  
Blogger MLB said...

Robert Duvall---incredible--especially in Lonesome Dove (1989) & To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's your take on the conspiracy to flood new orleans? got rid of a lot of democrats really fast, so that gov. blanco and sen. landrieu have lost the folks who put them in office.

8:00 PM  

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